Peta is an amazing and life changing foundation for animals. PETA rescues animals from all types of abuse including animals suffering in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. They also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of rodents, birds, and other animals who are often considered “pests” as well as cruelty to domesticated animals.

Path is has provide services in more than 140 cities in six regions, and have more than 1,500 units of permanent supportive housing completed or in the pipeline. Across the state, they help people find permanent housing as well as provide case management, medical and mental healthcare, benefits advocacy, employment training, and other services to help them maintain their homes stably. Since 2013, we have connected more than 9,000 people to permanent homes.

The East Los Angeles Women’s Center is a leading voice and advocate for survivors and their families affected by sexual, domestic, and intimate partner violence , HIV/AIDS and the intersection of homelessness. The mission of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center is to ensure that all women, girls and their families live in a place of safety, health, and personal well-being, free from violence and abuse, with equal access to necessary health services and social support, with an emphasis on Latino communities.
Domestic Abuse Hotline:
800 million people in the world do not have access to clean water. That is one person out of every nine people. This organization is simply extraordinary. They build freshwater wells, sand filters and rainwater catchments throughout developing countries and truly make a difference. So far, about 11 million people now have access for fresh, clean water because of Charity: Water. Charity: Water is based off of donations in order provide safe and clean drinking water to the people in developing nations. Additionally, you can see exactly where your money is going as provided on their website along with all the order work they have done.

Perrys Place is located in North Hollywood, California. They are home to hundreds of cats that are rescued and are greatly cared for by volunteers and staff. The cats and kittens receive personalized
healthcare for dietary issues, necessary surgeries and/or any physical ailments. I have been volunteering for about 8 months and love it! More volunteers are extremely needed in order for Perrys place to continue to care for and provide houses for the exponential
influx of cats. Please sign up or donate below.

The East Los Angeles Women’s Center is a leading voice and advocate for survivors and their families affected by sexual, domestic, and intimate partner violence , HIV/AIDS and the intersection of homelessness. The mission of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center is to ensure that all women, girls and their families live in a place of safety, health, and personal well-being, free from violence and abuse, with equal access to necessary health services and social support, with an emphasis on Latino communities.
Domestic Abuse Hotline:

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to enforces animals rights to kindness and respect by humans as well as protection under the law. The ASPCA maintains a strong local presence, and with programs that extend our anti-cruelty mission across the country, we are recognized as a national animal welfare organization. They are a privately funded not-for-profit corporation, and have over 2 million supporters country-wide. The ASPCA’s mission, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”
Animal Abuse Hotline: 800-540-7722(SPCA)

A nonprofit veterinary research hospital and education center, the Marine Mammal Center rehabilitates and rescues sick and injured marine life. Headquartered near San Francisco, California with a second hospital located on the Big Island of Hawai’i, the Marine Mammal Center has rescued more than 21,000 marine mammals along the coastline of California since 1975 and has done great work promoting the health of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal population.

"The actions we take over this next decade will define the planet's path over the next century. The Nature Conservancy is urgently taking on the dual threats of biodiversity loss and the climate crisis, maximizing resilience and benefits for communities. What we achieve is just as important as how. By letting science guide our focus and equity guide our execution, we can shape a better 2030 for our planet."

Habitat for humanity is a global nonprofit housing gorganization that works in local communities across the United States and 70 additional countries. Habitat's goal is to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. They work towards this through building strength, stability and self- reliance in partnership with families in need of housing. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.

Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation is a registered non-profit organization focused on rescuing abused and neglected animals - locally, internationally and throughout the Asian Dog Meat Trade -rehabilitating them and finding them their forever homes. The animals taken in are animals that have been abused, neglected, left behind and forgotten about. We embrace compassion, education and legislation to guide hearts and minds toward a brighter future for animals. At this time, our Foundation is Foster-based and aims to grow our Foster Family and rescue even more animals, giving them all a loving home.
sustainable shops
Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation is a community of everyday people who passionately protect the ocean and beaches that provide us so much enjoyment. It focuses on water quality, beach access, beach and surf spot preservation, and sustaining marine and coastal ecosystems. Learn more at: www.surfrider.org/about