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Oil Painting Classes
Private classes for ages 12-17!

These oil painting classes consist of a 5 week program once a week with flexible hours to fit their busy schedules. Students will learn a valuable painting skills that can be an artistic outlet for the rest of their lives. A syllabus is prepared to ensure they grow with each lesson. Oil painting is beautiful, expressive, and unfortunately expensive which is why I have included all materials for students!
Skills developed
Students will learn landscape drawing, similar to Bob Ross-style painting. With this students will learn how to safely use paint thinner to layer creating distance in their piece of art. They will learn about color theory and schemes in painting and how it sets the tone. Oil painting will allow them to harness their imagery and project it into their work. And so much more!
For 5 classes, including quality brushes as well as a state of the art easel and canvases as needed, it is 60$ per session.
About the teacher
Hi there, my name is Kiara Bolger, to learn more about me please visit the about me page, if you have any other concerns of question please do not hesitate to contact me through my email:
These oil painting classes consist of a 5-week program once a week with flexible hours to fit teens' busy schedules. A syllabus is prepared to ensure they grow with each lesson. Students will learn valuable painting skills which can be an artistic outlet for the rest of their lives. I have included all materials for students!
Skills students will learn
During the semester, the kids will paint 3-5 pieces and have the opportunity to frame their favorite in the last class! Students will learn landscape painting, similar to the style of Bob Ross. With this, students will learn how to safely use paint thinner to layer, creating distance in their pieces. They will also learn about color theory, how to set a tone, brush strokes/technique, and responsibility through the clean-up process. Oil painting allows the artist to harness their imagination and decompress which are such valuable qualities in teenage years.
About the teacher
Hi there, my name is Kiara Bolger! To learn more about me, please visit the About Me page. If you have any other concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through my email:
The cost of the class is $70 per 1 hr. session for each student. This includes easel, oil paints, canvas, brushes, clean-up supplies, and all other materials. You can pay per session or all upfront; however, students are required to attend the 5-week program to foster growth in their practice.

Any Questions
Don't hesitate to reach out!
I will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible!