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Earth's Timeline
24.3 million long-term jobs will be created as a result of transitioning to renewable energy sources
the switch would help prevent the 7 million deaths per year caused by air pollution
2050 the world pop. surpasses 9.1 billion and agricultural systems are unable to supply food for everyone
2052 Earth's
temperature has increased 2.4 degrees
plastic free nation wide (at least) reducing the amount of
plastic free nation wide (at least) removing over 20% of MSW landfill
2055 extinction of 50% of Earth's species
2040 extremelylimited fresh water
2048 no more seafood
2049 emissions have doubled
2050 (or earlier) only plastic left in the ocean
8 million tons of plastic is lead directly to the ocean per year
22 animals in the US alone were declared extinct in 2021
all seabirds have eaten plastic
from 2001 to 2020 we lost 411 million hectares or 10% global decrease in tree cover
since 2000, the global atmospheric carbon dioxide amount has grown by 43.5 ppm or an increase of 12%
41,415 species are on the IUCN Red List. 16,306 of them are endangered species; up from 16,118 last year.
1 in 10 people live without access to freshwater
the food, beauty and fashion industry are the largest, socially accepted form of animal abuse in history
over a million children per year are sold as slaves; more than 20,000 children are killed every year while working.
our future without change
our future with urgent changes
plastic free nation wide (at least) removing over 20% of MSW landfill
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
617,763.4537 miles long; about 3 times the size of france
South Pacific Garbage Patch
1,003,865.612 miles long; about 57,037 football fields
South Atlantic
1003865.612 miles long; about 57,037 football fields
North Atlantic Garbage Patch
617,763 miles long; 520,000 bits per square mile
Indian Ocean Garbage Patch
2,000,000 miles long; about 113,636 football fields
upwards of 45 million Americans live in poverty
2030 climate change's depletion of natural resources may lead to a 50 percent increase in food prices
0.5% of the earth's water is available fresh water
Anchor 1
How to Reduce Your Plastic Waste
switch to reusable
-almost every plastic utility has a reusable/sustainable alternative; many that are cheap and easily adaptable
2. switch to a safety razors
-ditch plastic wasteful razors and get a safety razor (fully metal)
3. ditch gum (which contains plastic in its ingredients) and fish (which contains hundreds of microplastics)
-overall not good for you or the environment

Reason #1: Animal Testing/Abuse
Reason #2: Dirty Chemicals
3022 end of rainforests
2060 extinction of bees
2068 loss of oil
Reliable Sources:
by stopping the emission of
greenhouse gases today, the rise in global temperatures would start to flatten within a few years
plant based diet saving 219,000 gallons of water per person, per year
e-bikes bring deliveries of fresh, local and organic produce at your doorstep (such as misfits market)
economy built on hyperlocal resources and producing local products instead of importing which saves huge amounts of energy and waste
electric vehicles and drones disrupt the food delivery system by offering zero waste services
Why Your Bathroom is Dirty
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